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I am here to do the work

I am in this race because I love our city and I am genuinely interested in the work of our local government. Call me old-fashioned, but the prospect of participating in representative democracy excites me – and while I hope to bring a fresh perspective, I am not starting at square one. I currently serve on the Newburyport Human Rights Commission. I regularly attend City Council meetings, I read the coverage in the Daily News, and I study the hundreds of pages of “council packets,” agendas, and ordinances. I listen to the Local Pulse podcast and engage directly with our elected officials and civic leaders to understand their positions and try to see issues from all sides. I am in this race because I want to do the work on behalf of Ward 4 and our community to move Newburyport forward. 

Some of my primary concerns in this election include affordable housing, to ensure that no one who wants to make their home here is forced out. We need to prioritize development in the “smart growth district” and move with urgency to leverage properties like the Brown School to increase available housing options for seniors and working families.

I also believe that our children deserve safe and welcoming spaces to grow and thrive, whether that is maintaining and improving our beautiful parks, like Atkinson Common and the Pioneer League fields, or building a recreation center and permanent home for Newburyport Youth Services at 59 Low Street. 

I believe we must act now to combat the effects of climate change – from Plum Island to the Merrimack River, our community is on the front lines of threatening weather events that impact our residents’ health and well-being. I will work with other government officials to address combined sewage overflows (CSOs) and implement further climate resiliency efforts. 

Newburyport is a truly unique place steeped in history. I want to make sure that it continues to thrive by ensuring that we use our resources wisely and efficiently, so that we are prepared for the future and respectful of our storied past. If you want a City Councilor who will show up for you, do the homework, strive to find consensus on issues, and make decisions independently and unbeholden to any outside influence or specific agenda, then I hope to earn your vote in the preliminary election on September 19th.