
Happy Summer!

Written by Ben Harman | Jun 21, 2024 5:51:20 PM

Yesterday was the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. Speaking of which, it has been much too long since I’ve shared an update. To be honest, my focus has been on doing the best work I can on your behalf this year - whether that’s reading and researching or taking meetings and phone calls with experts or other officials - so being in more frequent, proactive communication has taken a bit of a back seat. 

Please know that I am available for any questions, concerns, or to sit down and meet with you just reach out to me via email or phone (below). I have had dozens of opportunities to connect with residents to answer questions or try to help solve problems. Since it’s been a while, there’s a lot to share!

Here are some highlights and updates on what’s been going on so far this year: 

ARPA Ad Hoc Committee: In March and April, we worked out how to spend remaining American Rescue Plan Act (Covid relief) funds including a portion to complete the project at Lower Atkinson Common/Pioneer League fields.

The Whittier Task Force: I am the City Council delegate for this group of representatives from the 11 cities and towns that make up the region sending students and funding the school. We continue to meet and try to find consensus following the failed vote in January on how best to move forward.

Newburyport Recreation and Youth Services: Throughout March and April, as a member of the Community Services Committee I worked to move forward the building project. We approved the design, discussed funding options, and evaluated the appropriateness of the parcel the previous council purchased. Next we will vote on zoning, so the administration can get necessary permits and detailed cost estimates for the project. 

Resilient Newburyport & Water Supply: I have spent considerable time working to understand the complex and costly infrastructure and climate related elements impacting the function of our city’s water and sewer. In April, the City hosted a meeting to discuss the issues/threats and the capital projects planned to address them. Additionally, the group Resilient Newburyport hosted a series of forums in April and May to help educate the public on the impact of climate change. 

Affordable Housing: Over several months, I attended forums hosted by the Greater Newburyport Housing Choice Coalition and the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission to hear how we along with our neighboring communities in the region are grappling with this crisis. I also sat down with Ward 4 housing advocates to discuss specific ways we can create more affordable housing stock including through MBTA Communities zoning as well as repurposing the former Brown School. 

Newburyport Pride Flag Raising: And finally, this was such a special day and I was honored to participate along with the rest of the speakers and performers as we kicked off Nbpt Pride 2024.


So why am I making time to write to you all now? Because it’s budget season - and specifically, it’s the last chance to make your voice heard before we vote Tuesday, June 25th on the annual budget. This post got a lot longer than I expected though, so I’m going to share thoughts on that in a follow up soon.

My contact information: 
Phone or text: 617-959-4612